Saturday, 3 November 2012

"Which are you"

"A daughter complained to her father about life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of struggling. It seemed that as soon as one problem was solved, a new one arose.

Her father, who is a chef, took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to a boil. In one he placed carrots, in the second one he placed eggs, and the last one he placed ground coffee beans. He let them sit and boil, without saying a word.

The daughter sucked her teeth and impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing. In about twenty minutes he turned off the burners. He took the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them a bowl. At last he poured the coffee in the bowl.

Turning to her he asked. “What do you see?”
 “Carrots, eggs, and coffee,” she replied.

He brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noticed that they were soft. He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg.

Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. 
She smiled as she tasted its rich aroma. She said, “What’s the point?” 
He explained that each of the items had faced the same adversity -boiling water – but each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong and hard. But after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior. But after boiled in the water, its inside became hardened. The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water itself.

“Which are you?” he asked his daughter. 
“When problem knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?”

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

True Peace

What is true peace actually are. To determine the true peace here i want to share a lovely story. Once there  was a King who was very fond of paintings.Once he offered a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of peace. So many artists tried. But the the King  not looked satisfied with none of the painting so more artist tried . Finally after seeing all the paintings  there were only two the king really liked and he had to choose between them. 

One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a perfect mirror of  peaceful towering mountains which were all around it. Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds. All he saw in this painting  was a perfect picture of peace. so calm and quite.

The other painting got mountains too. But those were looking so scary  and above the mountains was an angry sky from which rain fell and in which lightening played. It was a perfect storm. Down the side of the mountain tumbled a foaming waterfall. This did not look peaceful at all. 
But when the King looked beyond he saw behind the waterfall a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock. In the bush a mother bird had built her nest. There, in the midst of the rush of angry water and a heavy storm,  the mother bird sat on her nest... In perfect peace. ....

Which picture do you think won the prize? 

The King choose the second one thats because... "peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. Peace means to be in the middle of all those things and still be calm in your heart. That is the real meaning of peace."

Friday, 12 October 2012

Who Is The Mightiest

This story is one of my Favorite everytime i remember it i feel so funny. The story is like this.

A lion woke up one morning feeling rowdy. He went out in the jungle and at the cornered he met with a small monkey. The moment he saw the monkey the lion roared and ask the monkey "Who is mightiest of all
jungle animals? 
The poor little monkey doesn't have any choice he said, "You are, mighty lion! you are the king of the jungle". 

The lion felt happy and let the monkey go.Later, the lion chased  a deer and asked her the same question "Who is mightiest of all jungle animals?"
The terrified deer stammered, "Oh great lion, you are by far the mightiest animal in the jungle!" You are the king of this jungle".

The lion felt happy and let her go.
Happily he was walking in the jungle and the end of  it the lion met with an elephant. The moment lion saw the elephant he roared and ask him the same question. "Who is mightiest of all jungle animals?"

Without saying a word The elephant snatched up the lion with his trunk and slammed
him against a tree. The lion get hurted standing up taking away the dust from his body the lion said the  elephant "come one man no need to be upset that match thats because i ask you a question and beat me this way just tell me that you dont know"

Lol same attitude doesn't work for everyone.....

Thursday, 11 October 2012

There Must be Something Good In it

Once there was a  king and he got a  close friend who had a habit of remarking "this 
is good" about every occurrence in life no matter how it is good or bad. Whatever happened he will just say  there must be something good in it dont worry and It was completely his habit.. King always used to take his this friend with him while he went for hunting. One day
the king and his  friend were out hunting. The king's friend loaded a gun and handed it to the king but  he loaded it really wrong  way and when the king fired it, his thumb was blown off cause if it..

The moment its happened according to his habit he spoke up

"This is good!" dont worry.....

The horrified and bleeding king get too much angry and  become really  furious. "How can you say this is good? This is obviously horrible!" and too bad. I just lost my thumb" he shouted.

The king decide to punished him and put his friend in jail.

About a year later the king went hunting by himself. While hunting few Cannibals captured 
him and took him to their village. They tied his hands, stacked some wood, set up a stake and bound him to it. They wanted to make his barbecue  As they came near to set fire to the wood, they noticed that the king was missing a thumb. Being
superstitious, they never ate anyone who was less than whole or missing any part of the body. So they untied the king and sent him free on his way.

When the king get free from those cannibals the king realized his missing thumb saved his life and he remembered his friend. 

Full of remorse the king rushed to the prison to release his friend.

"You were right, it WAS good" the king said to his friend.

Then The king told his friend how the missing thumb saved his life and

added, now  he felt so sad that he locked him up in jail. That was such a bad
thing to do with his friend.

Then as usual he spoke up again.

"NO! this is good!" and this time he get really delighted..

The kings get annoyed again "Oh, how could that be good my friend, I did a terrible thing to you while I owe you my life".

"Then kings friend said to him.It is good "because if I wasn't in jail, I would have been

hunting with you this time also and they would have captured me with you and  killed ME."

the king asked him why

Then his friends replied  "Thats because i dont have a missing thumb"

Monday, 1 October 2012

"The Salesman"

Once there was a salesman. He was a good salesman and able to sold lots of vacuum cleaner. He was always looking for promotion and ask his manager for it. But his manager always replied him that he was not ready yet  and he needs some more training. One day he complained to manager that he get bored with selling the vacuum cleaner in same place why not he send him in some new place. His manager listened to him and send him to countryside.

So he drove out of town and stopped at the farmhouse. He knocked  the door and farmer's wife open the door. As soon she opened the door he start his speech immediately.

"Mam how much time do you spend to sweeping the floors"

"A lots of time, its a farm as u can see and things get dirty quickly here" the woman replied.

"And how much time do you spend to beating the carpet" asked the salesman.

"A lot of time. This house gets dusty and my dog also lay on them."

"Well this is your lucky day" said the salesman.

Then he shows her his vacuum cleaner and said

"With this you can clean your whole house in just 5 mins."

Farmers wife doesn't look interested.

Then suddenly the salesman took a big bag of dirt and through it on the floor. The farmer's wife got very surprised but before she could say anything to salesman he took out his vacuum cleaner and said "Mam if this machine doesn't pick up every last piece of dart i will eat all of it." !!!!!!

The farmers wife looked at him and said 

"Well i will get  you a big spoon

We have no electricity here"

"LOL" this is happen when we tried to be too smart..............

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Counting People's Word

There is great power in the words that we utter. It is believed that words are so powerful that when repeated with emotion, they will bring us that which we are affirming.

The following story demonstrates what can happen when we use words in a discouraging manner, and what can happen when we "turn a deaf ear" to those words that could ruin our dreams or goals.

Two Frogs

A group of frogs were traveling through the woods when two of them fell into a deep pit. All the other frogs gathered around the pit. When they saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead.

The two frogs ignored their comments and with all their strength they tried to jump up out of the pit. The other frogs kept telling them to stop jumping because they were as good as dead and it will be useless better they keep their energy so they can live little longer. But those two frogs keep jumping and trying. All other frogs keep saying that "come on give up its too high for you guys better keep the strength so you both can live little longer". At this moment finally, one of the frog start to listen to them and give up  and accept the death while other frog keep jumping. He continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and finally made it out.

When he finally got out, All the other frogs get surprised and asked him why he didn't listen to them?" The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time. The more they shouted the more inspiration he got and keep jumping with his full strength.

Saturday, 8 September 2012


"Hotei "  believed to be The god of contentment and happiness, guardian of children, and patron of bartenders. Hotei has a cheerful face and a big belly. In Chinese he known as Budai or Putai and  in Japan as  Hotai and for the rest of the world we know him as a Laughing Buddha. The statue we see of laughing budha is actually statue of Hotei. Although Many Westerners confuse Budai with Gautama Buddha. I first heard about him from my "Guru". He used to say "laugh like  Hotei". Later on i found a proverb "Laugh like Hotei". Thats always make me curious to know more about Him and his life. He carries a large cloth bag over his back , one that never empties, he carries all his belongings in a bindle wherever he goes.  He also stuffs the sack with donations of food and clothing from laymen and candy to give to children. Indeed, the Japanese spelling of “Hotei” literally means “cloth bag.” He also holds a Chinese fan called an oogi  (said to be a “wish giving” fan   moreover in the distant past, this type of fan was used by the aristocracy to indicate to vassals that their requests would be granted). 

His large, fat stomach is a symbol of happiness, luck, and abundance and many believed that if one rubs the belly of laughing Budai, it brings good luck and wealth

Legend says that Hotai was not use to talk, his massage was just laugh and smile. While he entered any village with his sack he start to stare at the people looks lame and sad and start to laugh. With laughing sometime he fell on ground and keep laughing. By watching him laugh there everyone start to laugh and its spread among people to people and from villages to villages. people there always wait for him when hotei will come and bring the good luck and happiness.

There’s a Zen story about Hotei.  When someone asked  him “What’s the meaning of Zen?” he put his sack down on the ground and saying nothing. Then when he asked  him again “How he will  understand Zen?” he picked his sack on his back up  again and walked away. What a  Clever Hotei!  without saying a word Hotai simply gave him the wisdom of zen  that is— letting go and dropping off whatever we’re holding and this is actually the significance of zen and by carrying his sack on his back he gave the massage that this is the way to learn zen — that do your job that you have to. 

In western culture, the laughing Buddha is often referred to as the "fat Buddha." As a jolly fat man who frequently distributes candies and presents to children, Ho Tai most closely resembles what Westerners think of as Santa Claus. However, his tidings of good fortune can be enjoyed year round. Ho Tai is also considered the patron of bartenders and restaurant owners and is frequently seen displayed prominently in Asian restaurants. Overindulgence in food and drink are often credited to the influence of the laughing Buddha.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

"Banana" an Amazing Fruit

Not only is it fun to say the word banana, it is fun to type too. Filled with deliciously sweet firm-creamy flesh, bananas grow individually packaged in their own easy to open yellow wrapper. In the practice of color therapy, even their bright yellow coloring is known the induce happiness and humor.

Bananas contain tryptophan, an amino acid that the body uses to make serotonin, a chemical produced in the brain that improves your mood and increases your happiness level. Rich in vitamins B6, B12, potassium, and magnesium, bananas help people trying to give up smoking recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal. Banana’s high levels of B-vitamins are also known to improve nerve function. Bananas can reduce stress by providing potassium that normalize the heartbeat and regulates the body's water balance. Experiencing high stress lowers our body's potassium levels rapidly, bananas help to raise those levels back to normal..

Containing three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose when combined with fiber, gives an immediate, continuous boost of energy. Research has shown that consumption of only two bananas is capable of fueling an intensive 90-minute workout. Subsequently providing increased energy and the ability to prevent and recover from a large number of illnesses; bananas are the number one fruit of choice for today’s leading athletes.

Heartburn victims rejoice, bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so try eating a banana next time a fire rises up from within. Expecting mothers can snack on bananas to keep blood-sugar up and avoid constant morning sickness. Bananas are the only raw fruit that can be eaten to reduce and repair the damages cause by chronic ulcers. Substances found in bananas help activate the cells that make up the stomach lining, producing a thicker mucus barrier protecting against high levels of stomach acids. Protease inhibitors are compounds found in bananas that have been found to assist in eliminating ulcer causing bacteria.

Blood Pressure: This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it the perfect food for helping to beat blood pressure. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.

Constipation: High in fibre, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.

Depression: According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin - known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.Now we know why monkeys are always happy.

Hangovers: One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.

Heartburn: Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body so if you suffer from heart-burn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.

Morning Sickness: Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.

Nerves: Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system.

PMS: Forget the pills - eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Bananas can help SAD sufferers because they contain the natural mood enhancer, trypotophan.

Smoking: Bananas can also help people trying to give up smoking, as the high levels of Vitamin C, A1, B6, B12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

Stress: Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalise the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body's water-balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium levels. These can be re-balanced with the help of a high-potassium banana snack.

Strokes: According to research in "The New England Journal of Medicine"eating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by strokes by as much as 40%!

Temperature control: Many other cultures see bananas as a "cooling" fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand, for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature.

Ulcers: The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronic ulcer cases. It also neutralises over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.


Lets eat bananas like Minions LOL

Minions Banana Movie FUN

Monday, 13 August 2012

Sufi Stories

The substance of Sufism is the Truth and the meaning of Sufism is the selfless experience and actualization of the Truth. The practice of Sufism is the intention to go towards the Truth, by means of love and devotion. This is called the tarikat, the spiritual path or way towards God. The sufi is one who is a true lover and true believer  who by means of love and devotion moves towards the Truth, towards the perfection which all are truly seeking. 
Sufis have referred to their parables as "Teaching Stories." 
According to Essential Sufism, "most Sufis believe that the great religions and mystical
traditions for the world share the same essential Truth." Sufi teaching stories have been 
used by the mystics and spiritual teachers(masters) to help people understand the same essential Truth.

Sufi stories are always my favorite. I personally learn a lot and its keep inspiring me throughout my life journey. Here i am sharing few them.  

When to be Practical  

As three travelers crossed the mountains of the Himalaya, they discussed the importance of putting into practice everything they had learned on their spiritual journey . They weer so lost in their conversation that it was only late night that they finally realized that all they had with them was  just a piece of bread.

They decided not to discuss who deserved to eat it rather they left the decision in the hands of the god. They prayed that, during the night  a superior spirit should indicate who should receive the bread.

The following morning, the three men rose together at sunrise.

"This is my dream," said the first traveler. "I was taken to place I had never visited before, and enjoyed the sort of peace and harmony . In the midst of this paradise, a wise man with a long beard said to me: "you are my chosen one, you never sought pleasure, always renounced all things and in order to prove my allegiance to you, I should like you to try a piece of bread."

"That's very strange," said the second traveler. "For in my dream, I saw my past of sanctity and my future as a master. As I gazed at that which is to come, I found a man of great wisdom, saying: "You are in greater need of food than your friends  for you shall have to lead many people and it will require strength and energy so eat the bread."

Then the third traveler said:

"In my dream I saw nothing and went nowhere and found no wise men, poor me. However, at a certain hour during the night, I suddenly woke up And I ate the bread."

By hearing this other two get furious.

"Come on brother why didn't you call us before making such a personal decision?"

In reply he said  "How could I? You were both so far away, finding masters and having such holy visions! Yesterday we discussed the importance of putting into practice that which we learn on our spiritual journey. In my case, God acted quickly and make me awake dying of hunger!"  "LOL"

Something is Better Than Nothing

Once a Sufi master was walking down the street. On his way he found a miserable man sited down the corner of the street. Seeing master the man held up a tattered bag and moaned, "All that I own in this wide world barely fills this miserable, wretched sack, please help me"

"Too bad," said the master and with that, he suddenly snatched the bag from the man's hands and ran down the road with it.

Having lost everything, the man burst into tears and more miserable than before he start to walked alone the path. Meanwhile master quickly ran around  and placed the man's sack in the middle of the road where he would have to come upon it.

When the man finally saw his bag sitting in the road before him, he laughed with joy and shouted,  " Oh my god! My sack! I thought I'd lost you! I feel so happy now".

Watching through the bushes, Master chuckled. "Well, that's one way to make someone happy!"  "LOL"

Monday, 6 August 2012

"There is no deficiency of food we just need to stop wasting"

One-third of food produced globally every year does not reach human mouths - it is either lost in transit or wasted by consumers themselves. This amounts to a staggering 1.3 billion tonnes every year. These chilling figures are contained in a report called 'Avoiding Future Famines' released by the United Nations Environment Programme at the recently held Rio+20 summit in Brazil on sustainable development.

Consumers throw away 222 million tonnes of food in edible condition every year in North America and Europe. While the total food production of Sub-Saharan Africa is 230 million tonnes per year. These wastage food can feed them all.

Based on a study last year by a group of researchers from Swedish Institute of Food & Biotechnology (SIK), and the Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO), the report says that food loss or waste occurs right through the food supply chain - from farm to dining table. But in medium- and high-income countries, a higher share of food is really wasted, meaning it is thrown away even if still suitable for human consumption. In low-income countries food is mainly lost during the early and middle stages of the food supply chain; much less food is wasted by consumers.

'Americans throw away 25% of food'

In Europe and North-America, a total of 280-300kg of food is wasted per capita every year. In Sub-Saharan Africa and South/Southeast Asia per capita food wastage is 120-170kg per year.

This aggregate wastage figure is made up of loss or wastage at different stages: farming, post harvest, processing, distribution and consumption. In developing countries, more than 40% of the food losses occur at post harvest and processing levels, while in industrialized countries, more than 40% of the food losses occur at retail and consumer levels, according to analysis done by Jenny Gustavsson of SIK.

Per capita food wasted by consumers in Europe and North America is 95-115kg per year, while this figure is only 6-11 kg per year in sub-Saharan Africa and South/Southeast Asia.

American consumers throw away 25% of all food they purchase while British consumers throw away roughly one-third of their purchased food due to factors such as over-purchasing in response to marketing offers and obeying expiration dates labelled on products, according to the UNEP report.

There can be “Future Famines” and it will not be cause of deficiency of food it can happen because we waste too much food. There is always more than enough resources for each one of us in this world and it will be like this if we don’t stop wasting right now.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Field of Pure Potentiality

The field of pure potentiality is a state of pure consciousness and pure consciousness is pure potentiality; it is the field of all possibilities and infinite creativity. Pure consciousness is our spiritual essence. Being infinite and unbounded is also pure joy. Other attributes of consciousness are pure knowledge, infinite silence, perfect balance, invincibility, simplicity, and bliss. This is our essential nature.

Our essential nature is one of pure potentiality. When we discover our essential nature and know who we really are, in that knowing itself is the ability to fulfill any dream we have, because we are the eternal possibility, the immeasurable potential of all that was, is, and will be. The Law of Pure Potentiality could also be called the Law of Unity, because underlying the infinite diversity of life is the unity of one all pervasive spirit. There is no separation between me and this field of energy. The field of pure potentiality is our own Self. And the more we experience our true nature, the closer we are to the field of pure potentiality.

How can we apply the Law of Pure Potentiality, the field of all possibilities, to our lives? If we want to enjoy the benefits of this field, if we want to make full use of the creativity which is inherent in pure consciousness, then we have to have access to it. One way to access the field is through the daily practice of silence and meditation, Spending time in nature will also give us the access to the qualities inherent in the field: infinite creativity, freedom, and bliss.

Practicing silence means making a commitment to take a certain amount of time to simply Be. Spending time each day in meditation we can have it. Through meditation we will learn to experience the field of pure silence and pure awareness. In that field of pure silence is the field of infinite correlation, the field of infinite organizing power, the ultimate ground of creation where everything is inseparably connected with everything else. Practicing this pure silence everyday we will connect with the origin source of the thought we will connect with our own soul with our higher self and that will give us the access of field of pure potentiality.

“General mind discuss people, average mind discuss
Events, great mind discuss ideas and greatest mind acts in

We must learn to get in touch with the innermost essence of our being. This true essence is beyond the ego. It is fearless; it is free; it is immune to criticism; it does not fear any challenge. It is beneath no one, superior to no one, and full of magic, mystery, and enchantment.

Friday, 3 August 2012

Where is your paint can

A man landed a job painting the yellow line down the center of the highway, by hand. After three days his foreman complained about the job he was doing. “Your first day out, you did great,” he said. “You painted that line for three miles. Your second day wasn’t bad. You painted two miles. But today you painted only one mile, so it looks like I will have to fire you.”

On his way out of the foreman’s office, the employee looked back and said, “It’s not my fault. Everyday I got further and further from the paint can.”

After reading this story online I laugh a lot and then suddenly another thought came into my mind that how we complicate our lives at work and at home, if we are lacking insight into how we create additional stresses in our lives.  Such a simple solution carry the paint can with you then no need to come back for it but indeed we do this in real life. Here I want to share another story   

A man was driving when he saw the flash of a traffic camera. He figured that his picture had been taken for exceeding the limit, even though he knew that he was not speeding. Just to be sure, he went around the block and passed the same spot, driving even more slowly, but again the camera flashed. Now he began to think that this was quite funny and get so excited he drove even slower as he passed the area again, but the traffic camera again flashed. He tried a fourth time with the same result. He did this a fifth time and was now laughing when the camera flashed as he rolled past, this time at a snail's pace. after Two weeks later, he got five tickets in the mail for driving without a seat belt.

LOL.. and now this is happen when we forget to think in real excitement.

Even famous people do mistake like this in simple things. Sir Isaak Newton famous scientist had two dogs one was little big and another one quite small. Once he wanted to make a house for the dogs. So he brought the carpenter to make a house for the dogs. While he was making it Sir Isaak Newton came and advised the carpenter to built two doors for the  house one is big and another one small. So from the big door the dog which is big will enter and through the small one will be for the smaller one . Then carpenter get surprised and asked him if he made one big door both dog can enter easily. Hearing this Newton start to think why its not came into his mind.

Doing mistake in life is the most common things we all do but the problem is  not to learn from it and doing the same mistake again.

Monday, 30 July 2012

Few quotes that always inspire me

“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”

 This quote is just perfect. What is expressing here is that we have to experience something ourselves in order to really understand it. If we are hearing something it might be interesting. If we are seeing something it might be beautiful. But only if we have it happening to ourselves – actively doing it – we can really know how it is.

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do.”

Its such a lovely quote made by Confucius, whose name literally means “Master Kong”, lived 551-479 BCE. He was a Chinese thinker and philosopher, whose teachings have deeply influenced not only Asian thought and life. He presented himself as a “transmitter who invented nothing” and he really pointed out the importance of learning, which is one reason he is seen by Chinese people as “The Greatest Master”.

Here i want to add another quote from my guru that always giving me great motivation........

"Someone can destroy me and might put me in ashes but from there i will born again"

“He who learns but does not think, is lost. He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.”

Another such a lovely quote made by Confucius here he is trying to explains the connection of learning and reflection. Reflection of that what we learned by thinking or of the results we get by applying the knowledge. “Study without reflection is a waste of time; reflection without study is dangerous” is a similar quote by Confucius. Learning is only useful if we connect the learning within our own minds, with what we already know and what is useful for us. This reflection of any knowledge also saves us from blindly following any knowledge without checking its truthfulness and validity to us.

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

This quote made by one of my favorite personal Steve Jobs who recently passed away.   Steve Jobs had and has a defining influence on the way we use technology today. While a genius at marketing and product-design (what a combination) he always strived for simplicity in Apple’s products.

Sometimes we need that kind of reinsurance that what we truly desire most in our hearts is really the right thing. When breaking through our fears and insecurities this wise and experience-based quote from Steve Jobs can come just at the right moment. Have the courage to follow your heart and give your best while doing so! “Everything else is secondary…”

“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”

Such a lovely quote made by Lao Tzu who was the most important spiritual Chinese sage. His name, which is also often called Laozi, literally means “Old Master” .He lived in the 6th century BC, at the same time as Confucius, who was born a generation after Lao Tzu. Here he made such a lovely quote to think about. How can that be in the first place: there is no rush and no hurry, but everything works out? Grass does not try to grow, it just grows. Water does not try to flow, it just flows. The only explanation is that everything is done in a naturally perfect way, without resistance and within the flow of life …if we connect our self  with the nature with deep meditation we will accomplish everything just like this.

“To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.”

It's my favourite one. This is a realization that can be understood intuitively if we practice meditation or able to quiet the mind of the constant chatter of thoughts.

Finally, i want to finish with something from my own experience "Surrendering our will to the Universe amazingly gives us much insight and therefore power and wisdom in the purest sense"

Sunday, 29 July 2012


 “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.”

One of the famous quote from Budha. Now a days after plenty of research we finally find the importance of our thought that Budha  found thousands years ago. Today while i was doing mediation suddenly this thought comes into my mind that how many thought we have usually for everyday as for general.. Can we count it? did anybody already done this research?  There is really easy way to find it, i grab my laptop and searched on Google and i found a really astonishing result. It has been suggested that we have around 60,000 thoughts per day can you believe it. Then suddenly another thought came into my mind how many of those thoughts are self-defeating ones. I get worried. Its so easy that our train of thoughts jump from one track of thinking or subject to another without our real concern and these thought can be really self destructive one.

How difficult it can be to stop an old mental tape from playing over and over again about a frustrating conversation that we had with someone at work or at home. We replay the mental tape until we are exhausted-and yet where have we found ourselves? In the same place we were before but now with wasted mental, physical and emotional energy. We have solved and resolved nothing.

Do our thoughts shape our lives? Albert Einstein believed so. He said "The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking." James Lane Allen, author of the book "As a Man Thinketh" states, "You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you."
How do we take control of our thoughts? How do we direct them from self-destructive thinking and behaviors to self-constructing thoughts and behaviors? By making a decision to do so and then committing to do mediation  we can begin to take charge of our lives. After the decision and commitments have been made, we must implement a mindful state of being by doing mediation regularly that is living a life which is mindful of what we are thinking and what we are doing.

I made a Autosuggestion for my self that i am  using now a days its help me a lot.

“I will adopt a 'be here now attitude' and focus. I always bring new ideas that nourish me on all levels and i commit myself to enjoying the present moment.” 

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Finding "Flow"

I was using  an anti stress apps on my phone. Suddenly one quote grab my noticed. Its says "have you familiar with the phenomenon called "Flow". Its a almost meditative state where you will focused on a task and reduce self consciousness the method helps to remove stress. I get completely curious. Try to read as much information i can get and the more i read the more i get surprise. Doing meditation from long time i was familiar with  it. I found it from plenty of gurus and sadhus(saint) from south east Asia but never thought west did that much research on it and its already scientifically proven. Here i am trying to write something about flow to make it understand from different research.

As a technical  flow is defined as the movement, change,
energy, or force present within a sensory experience. Flow can occur within active states (such as
Touch, Feel, Image, or Talk) or within restful states (such as Relaxation, Peace, Blank, or Quiet).
Flow is not something separate from specific sensory experiences; it is a characteristic that
appears within a specific sensory experience as a result of continuously bringing clarity and
equanimity to that experience.

Flow and Vanishing represent two sides of Impermanence (Pali, anicca)

The impermanent nature of things can be looked upon from a pessimistic point of view or an
optimistic point of view. Pessimistically, everything passes, so to pin your happiness on any
object or situation is to set yourself up to suffer sooner or later. From this perspective,
anicca is linked to dukkha (which is from Sanskrit  the suffering nature of life). Optimistically, impermanence is movement, and (as Newton pointed out) movement reflects an underlying force. By focusing on
instantaneous rates of change in ordinary sensory experiences, we can come into direct contact
with the underlying Force that molds them…Spirit. From this perspective, anicca is linked to
prāna(Sanskrit again the ebullient energy of life).

It would be convenient to have a word for this positive aspect of change, so  call it Flow.
however in the “Positive Psychology” of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, flow refers to the pleasure derived from being in a state of samadhi as you do ordinary things, a notion different from (but not entirely unrelated to)
Flow as we will be using the term.

Sounds little complicated so make it  simple Flow is the mental state of operation in which a person in an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity.

flow is completely focused motivation. It is a single-minded immersion and represents perhaps the ultimate in harnessing the emotions in the service of performing and learning. In flow, the emotions are not just contained and channeled, but positive, energized, and aligned with the task at hand. To be caught in the ennui of depression or the agitation of anxiety is to be barred from flow. The hallmark of flow is a feeling of spontaneous joy, even rapture, while performing a task although flow is also described (below) as a deep focus on nothing but the activity – not even oneself or one's emotions.