Sunday, 29 July 2012


 “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.”

One of the famous quote from Budha. Now a days after plenty of research we finally find the importance of our thought that Budha  found thousands years ago. Today while i was doing mediation suddenly this thought comes into my mind that how many thought we have usually for everyday as for general.. Can we count it? did anybody already done this research?  There is really easy way to find it, i grab my laptop and searched on Google and i found a really astonishing result. It has been suggested that we have around 60,000 thoughts per day can you believe it. Then suddenly another thought came into my mind how many of those thoughts are self-defeating ones. I get worried. Its so easy that our train of thoughts jump from one track of thinking or subject to another without our real concern and these thought can be really self destructive one.

How difficult it can be to stop an old mental tape from playing over and over again about a frustrating conversation that we had with someone at work or at home. We replay the mental tape until we are exhausted-and yet where have we found ourselves? In the same place we were before but now with wasted mental, physical and emotional energy. We have solved and resolved nothing.

Do our thoughts shape our lives? Albert Einstein believed so. He said "The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking." James Lane Allen, author of the book "As a Man Thinketh" states, "You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you."
How do we take control of our thoughts? How do we direct them from self-destructive thinking and behaviors to self-constructing thoughts and behaviors? By making a decision to do so and then committing to do mediation  we can begin to take charge of our lives. After the decision and commitments have been made, we must implement a mindful state of being by doing mediation regularly that is living a life which is mindful of what we are thinking and what we are doing.

I made a Autosuggestion for my self that i am  using now a days its help me a lot.

“I will adopt a 'be here now attitude' and focus. I always bring new ideas that nourish me on all levels and i commit myself to enjoying the present moment.” 

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