Sunday, 19 February 2017

Teaching Through Stories

Zen Master always found out to be strange to the western mind in the way they teach their disciples.
Some may think that Zen is a kind of cult. Mystics and all the eastern master have the same way to teach their disciples.
They usually don't say directly about the truth. It always depends on disciple's  understanding level and wisdom to get it.

Here I am sharing some stories that will help to understand this....

One day one disciple came to a zen master and asked him "I came all the way from far country to learn Zen"

Master asked him "why do you want to learn"?
Disciple said that's because "I want to gain Nirvana(Enlightenment)"
Then master replied "Until there is ‘I’ you cannot gain any enlightenment. Go back".

here is another one, one day one student came to a monastery and asking the master "I want to learn swordsmanship and kung-fu 
so I can save our village from thieves.
Then Master replied I don’t know but you can stay here.
(Student after staying in that monastery for few years one day he told his master)
"I have realized there is no greater enemy than the one resides within"
After hearing this the Master replied, "I will teach you swordsmanship and kungfu so you can save your village".

Few disciples went to their master and told him we heard from other schools that their master can walk on the river. W
e want to know what superpower you have.
Listening to this the master replied, "I eat when I feel hungry and sleep when I feel sleepy that's the only wisdom I have".

Here is the last one..

one day a disciple was learning meditation under a very wise master suddenly he asked his master "If someone asked me what is the ultimate truth what I will reply"
Listening to this the master went into deep silence...

It's not a good idea to explain these short stories or Koan because that would be missing the point.

The stories themselves are the experience. Only someone can meditate upon them to realize the insights within them. For years different masters are using these stories to teach their disciples. 

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