In English there is one phrase called "Shower thought". Its usually referred to those thoughts, ideas, or philosophical questions that race through your head when you are in the shower. But actually it's more than that. It can applies to any thought you might have while carrying out a routine task like showering, driving, or daydreaming.
Let's share some famous shower thought of all time :
"We always say things on fire for example the house is on fire or the Forrest is on fire...but have you ever thought how come things on fire actually it would be fire on things''
Have you ever noticed when you say forward or back, your lips actually move on those direction...
Now another interesting one if you punch your self on the face and it's really hurt then is it make you a strong person or weak...think about it.
"Clapping is just hitting your self cause you just liked something"
Have you ever encountered with this thought that "it's impossible to skip breakfast. The first time you eat during a day is when you "break your fast."
Here is another one When we ask someone "where are you" its actually a recent thing. Before we had mobile phones, the only way we could talk to people is if we knew where they were.
Here comes the last one "Go to bed and you will feel better in the morning" we usually say it when we have a very rough day but isn't it another way of saying have you turned off and turned on again.